Sviluppo di gadget per La sidebar di Vista

Prima di tutto: come sono fatti questi gadget? Rispondo riportando fedelmente da Microsoft gadget:

Gadget ManifestAn XML file defining the gadget properties, including name, icon and description
HTML fileDefines the core code for the gadget
HTML settings fileExposes gadget settings for the user to change
Images, Script and Style SheetsFor use in the HTML
IconFor use in the gadget picker

E' in buona sostanza una mistura di XML,HTML,CSS e Javascript. E' importante notare quanto dice Microsoft stessa:
"Today, the Windows Vista Sidebar hosts Gadgets built from HTML, JavaScript, and potentially ActiveX controls, and because Gadgets are HTML, they are subject to Cross-site Scripting style bugs. These bugs are extremely serious because script in the Sidebar is capable of running arbitrary code in the context of the locally logged-on user.".
Ecco una serie di links che mi appunto,riguardanti lo sviluppo dei gadget:


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